This is one Little Free Library that might not see a lot of foot traffic.
December 22, 2020
December 21, 2020
December 17, 2020
December 14, 2020
December 7, 2020
December 2, 2020
J.R.R. Tolkien House Comes on the Market
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. But in a house on a lawn there lived an author. And YOU could live there, too...
November 16, 2020
Um, thanks, pandemic?
Research compiled by writing and proofreading service Global English Editing shows that 35% of people in the world have read more books than usual since COVID began.
November 10, 2020
November 5, 2020
A library brings hope in "The Book Collectors"
"It is heartening to remember that heroes emerge in unpredictable places." NPR reviews a new book depicting "the savagery of Syrian President Bashar al Assad's regime contrasted with the life-saving symbol of civilization: a library."
Available from the Jones here.
October 30, 2020
Because it's hard to read on an empty stomach.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
Posting it larger here. Because this is important:
"Since our schools first closed last March,
our amazing Food Services team has worked tirelessly to ensure that our
students have uninterrupted access to free, nutritious meals,
distributing well over 100,000 meals to date. Thanks to the extension of
the USDA's universal free meals program, the District can now provide
free meals for any child age 18 and under throughout the 2020-2021
school year (until June 30, 2021). I want to stress that any child
(living in any location in our towns) is eligible for these free meals
and participation helps not just the children, but the District benefits
from increased reimbursements. Meals are distributed for Monday and
Tuesday each Monday, meals for Wednesday and Thursday are distributed
each Wednesday, and meals for Friday, Saturday and Sunday are
distributed each Friday. The pick-up sites are included in the
newsletter below, and families are welcome to pick up meals at whichever
site is most convenient for them."
October 29, 2020
How a Tiny Indian Publisher Brings a World of Comics to Tamil Readers
Chandamama, a children’s magazine, was published for 60 years in 13 languages in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. More than 70 million people speak Tamil, making it even more widespread than Italian, but many popular international comics were not being translated.
M. Soundrapandian changed all that.
October 28, 2020
How well do you know your forms of government?
Take this quick Merriam Webster quiz to find out.
October 22, 2020
50 States, 50 Scares
Want to read the one for Massachusetts? The Jones has it.
October 18, 2020
Why It Is Important to Move Forward with the Plan to Renovate and Expand the Jones Library
On October 15, the Jones Library Board of Trustees unanimously voted to approve
the library’s renovation and expansion plan. The Board also voted to request that the Amherst
Town Council approve the plan by the end of April. Those votes were the culmination of more
than a decade of careful planning, extensive deliberation and consultation, and continuing
commitment to making sure that Amherst’s libraries serve the needs of all its residents.
They point us toward a bright future in which the Jones will continue to
nurture democratic values and a vibrant and inclusive culture in our town.
But some might ask, why move forward with the plan now? And why ask for a vote
in April?
As to the first question, the Trustees have completed all the work needed to
move the plan to fruition. It is now ready for consideration by the people of Amherst and their
elected representatives.
Our planning began when the Board of Trustees launched a long-range planning
process. As part of that process, we surveyed library patrons and the public. We held focus
group sessions and talked with the staff about the library’s needs as well as their own hopes and
Those data collection efforts and conversations revealed that, while the Jones
was functioning well in many ways, it also had some serious problems and pressing needs. High
on that list was the physical condition of the building itself.
Because we wanted to make a great library even better and sustain its greatness
into the future, we asked the library director and staff to develop a proposal for improvements,
which they did with their usual skill and acumen. That proposal, among other things, called
for expanding the children’s room, providing a much-needed teen space, dealing with the
inadequacies of our Special Collection and English as a Second Language facilities, and making the
building accessible not just for those protected by law, but welcoming for all
residents. It became clear that these vital improvements could not be accommodated within the existing
facility or in a feasible expansion of the Jones.
So we sent the staff back to the drawing board with a mandate to move from a
wish list to a needs list and to establish a clear set of priorities.
When the staff and library director did so, it was apparent that we needed help
figuring out how to make this slimmed-down, but still ambitious, program work in our building.
To find that help we undertook an architect selection process. We invited proposals and received
many, from distinguished firms.
After an extensive public vetting of those proposals we chose Finegold,
Alexander Architects (FAA), one of the best architectural firms in the state with long experience
working with libraries and an outstanding record of historical preservation.
We asked FAA to study whether and how to realize the program within the current
building by reorganizing existing spaces and/or expanding within the existing footprint.
They showed us that even if we added several stories to the library we still would not be able to
do all that needed to be done. They offered alternative suggestions that accommodated the program
with a modest expansion of the building.
We created a Feasibility Committee including Trustees, library staff and
members of the public to work with FAA and develop a detailed plan for the Jones.
After dozens of public meetings, in January, 2017 we submitted that plan and
the proposed program to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners as part of an
application for a state-funded library construction grant. After our proposal was carefully
vetted by experts in libraries and library design, MBLC approved a $13.9 million grant and put
Amherst on the waitlist for an appropriation of funds.
Between then and now the Trustees have worked with FAA to further refine the
original design. We again have held numerous public meetings and considered and adopted several
important suggestions from Amherst residents. We also profited from hearing about the
experiences of the numerous neighboring western Massachusetts towns (including Athol, Granby,
Greenfield, Holyoke, South Hadley, Hadley, and West Springfield) that have renovated and
expanded their libraries.
Along the way, Amherst adopted a net zero bylaw. While the Jones Library
was exempt because the project started before the law changed, the Trustees responded to the
town’s commitment to sustainability by rethinking the work that had already been done, in an effort
to make the renovated and expanded library energy efficient and sustainable. We created a
committee of experts and charged them to work with FAA to create a plan that would make the
Jones a model of sustainability.
The design the Trustees approved achieves that goal. In addition, it will
preserve the library’s historic spaces while being fully accessible to all who wish to use it. It is
flexible enough to accommodate anything that needs to be done in Covid-19’s wake, and it rectifies
problems that have created serious difficulties for staff and safety issues.
Most importantly, it will serve the needs of Amherst residents for decades to
The Trustees decided to ask the Town Council to vote on our proposal by the end
of April realizing full well the fiscal challenges that Amherst now faces.
We do so now for multiple reasons, not the least because we expect to be
formally awarded the MBLC grant in July, 2021 and because their rules allow towns to move forward in
anticipation of state funding. Taking advantage of that funding is a once-in-a-decade
We do so because we are convinced that we have a sound and feasible plan for
financing the project, which includes a library commitment of $6,000,000 to help offset some
of the town’s costs.
We do so because the serious maintenance issues and structural problems which
plague the Jones
building urgently need to be addressed.
We do so because a detailed study requested by the Town Council of the cost of
addressing those issues and problems by repairing the existing building showed that it would
cost between $14 and $16 million, which is very close to the amount the town would have to
contribute to achieve a renovated, expanded, accessible, and environmentally sustainable Jones Library.
We do so because delay risks both an escalation in costs and a further
deterioration of the building.
We do so because children, teens, English language learners, immigrants,
disadvantaged people, students of Amherst’s history, families, book lovers and all those who flock to
the Jones deserve a facility that is as inspiring as their dreams.
But, most importantly, we do so because, in these dark and dangerous times, we
do not want to put the future on hold. A renovated and expanded Jones Library will be a beacon of
hope and a reminder that a great town deserves a great library.
We look forward to working closely with the Amherst Town Council as it
determines when and how to consider our plan and our request.
Austin Sarat is President of the Jones Library Board of Trustees. Sharon
Sharry is the Library Director of the Jones Library.
October 17, 2020
It's International Raw Milk Cheese Day!
Friends! The day you've been long awaiting is finally here! Happy International Raw Milk Cheese Day!
In addition to chowing down on your favorite local cheese, why not check out Jon Scieszka's Stinky Cheese Man tales?
October 12, 2020
October 5, 2020
October 4, 2020
A tactile version of Pride and Prejudice!
Ever wonder what it would be like to hold a letter from Mr. Darcy in your hands? A new book can bring that experience to you. "Newly released through Chronicle Books, it allows readers to pull 19 letters out of actual envelopes that are tucked into the text. 'Handwriting and letters are such strong personal connections,' the author says. 'For those of us who love Pride and Prejudice, those characters are your own friends.'"
October 3, 2020
October 1, 2020
Proven ways to detect whether web or social media news is deceptive or a hoax
Only 16% of Americans read newspapers but more than half of us get news from Facebook. Here are some easy tips on how to spot fake news.
Read Roald Dahl’s heartbreaking 1986 letter about the importance of vaccinations
You may know Roald Dahl from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" or "The Fantastic Mr. Fox." But this letter he wrote may be his most important work ever.
September 30, 2020
Read Don Quixote for the first time
or revisit the classic for the umpteenth time. Either way, you'll get more out of it with the Jones Library classics book group. Come join.
September 26, 2020
September 25, 2020
September 24, 2020
September 21, 2020
The 2020 Library of Congress National Book Festival
The 2020 Library of Congress National Book Festival will celebrate its 20th birthday this year! And, for the first time in its history, the event will be completely virtual. Join us next weekend for an interactive, online celebration of American Ingenuity featuring more than 120 authors, poets and illustrators. The festivities will culminate with a PBS television special “The Library of Congress National Book Festival: Celebrating American Ingenuity,” hosted by Hoda Kotb on Sunday, Sept. 27, 6-8 p.m. ET/PT.
Register Today!
Create your FREE account now at
September 9, 2020
Talking with Kids about Voting
At a charged time in politics, talking with young people about voting and our democracy in a non-partisan fashion is important. To that end, the Brookline League of Women Voters prepared, with support from the Lotte E. Scharfman Citizen Education Grant program of the LWVMA, a resource that might be helpful to educators and families. Three groups of books for young people ages 5-10 — on voting, voting rights in history, and government — provide information and inspiration for discussing fundamental elements of democracy, a great way to nurture future voters!
August 7, 2020
Restless Reads book discussion
August 4, 2020
Library Chat - Accessibility Study - This Thursday, August 6
You will be able to utilize the ‘Q&A’ or 'raise hand' buttons built into Zoom to ask your questions or give your comments and concerns. We will try to address all questions and acknowledge all raised hands as time allows. You will also be able to phone in to hear the session.
August 3, 2020
Animal Farm turns 75!
August 2, 2020
Four-year-old lands book deal for his 'astonishing' poetry
July 28, 2020
Surprise! Ukes are on MONDAY!
July 21, 2020
Leaving the Big Apple?
July 20, 2020
Is 'Irregardless' a Real Word?
July 10, 2020
July 9, 2020
June 30, 2020
June 26, 2020
6 Obscure Words for Messes
June 25, 2020
Don't feel bad
June 24, 2020
June 23, 2020
June 22, 2020
Research Shows Virus Undetectable on Five Highly Circulated Library Materials After Three Days
Little Free Library stewards for their dedication to the mission
June 20, 2020
Books! Food!
The only thing better than books and food is books about food. Maybe your cookbook shelves, like some of ours, need a little diversifying? If so, here are a few suggestions to check out:
June 19, 2020
Juneteenth Celebration 2020:
Here's what the entire town of Amherst is doing to commemorate the day.