November 28, 2014

Tomorrow at the Hadley Barnes & Noble

Please help support the Jones Library by shopping at the Hadley Barnes & Noble TOMORROW: Saturday, November 29!

We're raising funds for Children’s Programming at the Jones Library and YOU can help!

Use the voucher pictured below (or click here or type it in yourself here: or get your own copy in person at the Jones or...well, that's really it for your options.  Sorry.).

Can't brave the teeming masses? You can also shop online on 11-29-14 in support of the Jones Library by going here and include the Book Fair Voucher ID: 11487550 on the payment page during checkout.

Go buy some books and make the world a better place!

November 24, 2014

November 20, 2014

Got $5,000 lying around?

Probably not a book you'll pick up at a Friends of the Jones Library used book sale...

November 18, 2014

When in Russia...

In the Moscow metro you can download for free over 100 Russian classics, to read while you wait for your train.  The Friends say da to that, comrade.

'Course, if you can finish any of those tomes before your train comes, maybe you should consider an alternate source of transportation to work...

November 13, 2014

Mark your calendars to read

You know all those books you'll WANT to buy on Saturday?  The Friends offer you a legitimate reason to buy them ALL!

November 7, 2014

The few. The proud. The librarians.

You know how you've always secretly wanted to be a librarian? 

November 6, 2014

North Amherst Library closed 11/13/14

Next Wednesday, November 12th, the North Amherst Library will be CLOSED.  They're getting new carpeting!!  Woo hoo!  And on Thursday, November 13th?  There will be teeming masses at the North Amherst Library to see what it looks like.

Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.  But the Munson and Jones are still open for business!

November 5, 2014

Pizza soup?

Even starving writers need to eat.  Here are some recipes from 16 of your favorite authors.  

And the Friends would like you to know that no one needs to ever bring Ray Bradbury's pizza soup to a potluck. That's the kind of thing one should consume at home.  Alone.  Very, very alone.

However, should you whip up a batch of Edgar Allen Poe's eggnog? We'll be right over.

November 4, 2014

Authors and books and totes! Oh my!

And? Buy one of these and get two free books!

the Friends

Coming Together

Many people in the Amherst area would like to see us become a community that deals with race issues more constructively, in which people are more connected with each other, and where equity, inclusion, and open communication prevail.  Three events in November, starting this week, for people of all racial backgrounds, will provide chances for us to come together, learn, and talk with each other in a safe environment.

Please click on the image below to learn more or visit

Lego Club cancelled

Due to a “series of unfortunate events,” the Jones Library’s Lego Club has been cancelled for November and December 2014.

See you in 2015!