(Click on image to enlarge.)
Posting it larger here. Because this is important:
"Since our schools first closed last March,
our amazing Food Services team has worked tirelessly to ensure that our
students have uninterrupted access to free, nutritious meals,
distributing well over 100,000 meals to date. Thanks to the extension of
the USDA's universal free meals program, the District can now provide
free meals for any child age 18 and under throughout the 2020-2021
school year (until June 30, 2021). I want to stress that any child
(living in any location in our towns) is eligible for these free meals
and participation helps not just the children, but the District benefits
from increased reimbursements. Meals are distributed for Monday and
Tuesday each Monday, meals for Wednesday and Thursday are distributed
each Wednesday, and meals for Friday, Saturday and Sunday are
distributed each Friday. The pick-up sites are included in the
newsletter below, and families are welcome to pick up meals at whichever
site is most convenient for them."