October 22, 2018

What are YOU thankful for?

The Gazette is looking to hear from YOU -- what about the Valley are you thankful for? Email your answer(s) to Danielle Lipiec (dlipiec @ umass.edu) and you may see yourself quoted in an upcoming article on "100 Reasons to be Thankful." Here's a little more information:

We're hoping to highlight local experiences or ideas that will resonate with a lot of readers. We will be giving credit to the businesses owners or staffers for each selected quote.

You're welcome to take it in whatever direction you like, but here some ideas to get you started:

"The fairy lights that make Pulaski Park look so quaint at dusk" --Name, name of business
"The hot chocolate -- made with Dutch cocoa and butter -- at the Haymarket" - Name, name of business
"The Welcome, Pride, Black Lives Matter, and Climate Emergency flags outside the Unitarian Society church" --Name, name of business
"Pedal assist on the uphill stretch from Northampton to Florence" --Name, name of business