June 17, 2013

A Parenting Story

Thursday, June 20, 7pm
Woodbury Room of the Jones Library

A Parenting Story is a one act, one-person play that examines the joys and heartaches of raising children.  Bill Campbell draws on his 35 years as a professional comedian and father of three to present a touching, hilarious, and compelling tale.  Within a simple living room setting, Bill’s Everyman character uses the advent of his 25th Father’s Day to take the audience on a remarkable tour from babies to grandparenting.  You will laugh deeply one minute and wipe a tear from your eye the next as Bill takes you on this real-life emotional roller coaster ride that he simply calls his “parenting story.”  It will touch a nerve, some bone and certainly your heart as it explores the depth of family.  Parents feel an urge to hug their children; kids view their parents in a new light; and everyone leaves feeling validated for their efforts to seek intimacy with those they love.

Free and open to the public.  For more information, please contact Janet Ryan at 413/259-3223.