The Jones Library’s Homebound
Delivery Service is Seeking New Volunteers
One of the library’s goals for 2013 is to expand its program of
delivering library materials to Amherst’s homebound population. We have
always been committed to making it possible for all our residents to have
access to our wonderful collection of books, movies and CD’s, and we are
anxious to make sure that all who are unable to travel to the library because
of physical limitations will be well served.
Our homebound program depends on dedicated volunteers to deliver
and pick up library materials. As we seek out more participants for our
program, our need for committed volunteers increases. I am wondering if any of
our Friends may be interested in and able to volunteer for our Homebound
program. A Jones Library Homebound Volunteer can enjoy rewarding friendships
with very grateful library patrons. Getting a delivery of library books
has become the highlight of many of our homebound patrons’ month.
For more information about becoming a Homebound Volunteer,
please contact Amy Anaya at or 413-259-3132.