June 21, 2012

Lemonade and cookies for YOU!

On Monday, June 25, 2012, from 1-5pm, the Jones Library will be serving lemonade to its patrons.  (Bonnie Isman, Former Library Director and current Friend of the Jones, and Tamson Ely, Library Trustee, will be our servers.)

We want to thank you, all our patrons, for being so patient during this transition to Evergreen.  We realize how hard it has been on you, and we want to reassure you that the system will get better.

Along with the lemonade/cookies, staff members will be available to answer Evergreen questions.  Also, we will have a suggestion box available so that patrons can write down their comments/concerns about the new OPAC; we will forward patron comments on to C/W MARS staff.

Come with your questions.  Come with your comments.  Come thirsty!