March 4, 2009
Every 2nd Grader A Reader Program
This spring, the Friends are once again sponsoring a program that introduces every 2nd grade student in the Amherst public schools to the Jones Library and encourages them to get a library card. Each 2nd grade class is bussed to the library on a Monday morning, where the students are treated to a tour of the children's rooms, a snack, a story and paperback book of their choice to take home. Volunteers from the Friends serve the snack and show the students how to paste a bookplate in the front of the book they choose. Those who don't already have a library card can sign up for one and can take their cards to Barts for a free ice cream cone! This very popular program is underwritten by funds from the Giles-Santangelo Fund. The Friends would like to thank Tina Harding at Barts and the staff at Barnes and Noble for their support of this program.