May 28, 2015

10 Old English Words You Need to Be Using

The Friends are on a mission to bring back at least one of these words. Mugwump and grubbling in particular...

May 19, 2015

May 18, 2015

Jones Library renovations questions?

Some authors

are finding imaginative ways to stay in touch with their readers. And although, as a rule, the Friends are particularly taken with Neil Gaiman, we think Gary Shetyngart's Little Failure book trailer is. Complete. Genius.

May 15, 2015

Heaven or hell?

A Brooklyn man has spent six months creating a digital version of Jorge Luis Borges' The Library of Babel, the classic tale of how librarians are driven mad searching through an infinite number of books to find the answers to the mysteries of humankind. The online version includes all possible books with "all possible combinations of letters."

So we ask again: heaven or hell?

May 13, 2015

The House We Live In

Join us on Thursday, May 14 at 7 pm in the Woodbury Room for the next in a film & discussion series about race.

"The House We Live In" is part three in a documentary series called Race:  The Power of an Illusion, and explores the ways our institutions and policies advantage some groups at the expense of others.

A facilitated discussion will follow.

Co-sponsored by the Jones Library and the Coming Together Project.

Free & open to the public.

Storytime returns to the North Amherst Library!

Preschoolers and their families are invited to join us on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-5:00 p.m. for stories and fun.

The North Amherst branch is located at 8 Montague Road.

Please call 413.259.3099 for more information.

Library passes to local museums

This summer when you don't have camp scheduled for the kids, when the A/C is on the blink, when you're back from visiting Grandma, or when it's raining outside, check THESE babies out! (Literally.)

(Need 'em bigger? Click the image.)

May 9, 2015

The Nation

The Friends are pretty psyched about the latest cover of The Nation. And hey, the article inside is compelling, too. Are our local libraries on the front lines against government surveillance?

May 6, 2015

For all the animal lovers out there

If you're in dire need of an animal fix, click on these memorable animals from the annals of literature.

The Friends are particularly taken with the quote from Charlotte (of Charlotte's Web), "You have been my Friend, that in itself is a tremendous thing."

(Emphasis ours.)

May 4, 2015

26 Books From Around The World

Are your summer plans aren't shaping up to be the international whirlwind you'd really wanted? That's okay! As always, your trusty Friends are here to help you out!

Go around the world without getting off your comfy couch. Check out these 26 books that will bring you from Rwanda to Japan, Argentina to France, China to Israel. No need to even renew your passport.

Bon voyage!